Want to remove jobs from this report? Select the job(s) you want to remove, and then right-click! Select "Remove Jobs from WSP Updates". Done!
Want to see the details for the amount you owe a Server for a Job? In the Server Report, select the "Include Line Items" box. Now the report will show the itemized details of each payment due to the Server, such as rush fees and additional addresses.
Use ** in any search field and the resulting search results will be everything in your database that applies to that field. So if you want to see all of your users with a specific security role, put ** in the Security Role field. Be careful how you use this though – your entire history of jobs might be quite long.
The Function Keys! PST is filled with shortcut keys and the F keys are a huge time saver to bring up windows. Knowing and learning these keys will help you to do things faster and saves a lot of time at the end. Here is a list of all of them and what they do:
Want to save time when scanning in attachments like Signed Affidavits and Field Sheets? In the Scanning Window, If you click the "v" button (next to the description box), you can find a list of frequently used descriptions. We’ve provided some default descriptions, but you can add/edit descriptions you use often. Now when you scan a document in, hit the "v" and just select the description – less typing, less time, more consistency!
Want to clear out the payment information in the Invoice Window for a Similar Job you have just started? In the Invoice Window, hit the "Clear" button.
Has your client called and asked for information on a case by defendant’s last name? Having trouble finding the correct case? If you put % followed by a keyword into a search field, then the search will provide all results that have this keyword. So if you enter %Ryan into "Lookup by Case", you will get all cases that have Ryan in the case name.
Using this feature allows you to multi-scan these documents into PST. If you have 50 Postal Requests that you would like to scan and attach to its corresponding job, having barcode enabled on it will allow you to do so. Perhaps you have a stack of fields sheets from your servers that you would like to keep copies of. Use the barcode to multi-scan them and keep a paperless copy in PST!
Do you have a comment that needs to be added to more than one job? If you do, you can do so without going into every single job. Go to Jobs > Edit Multiple Jobs, Add the job numbers you want to add the comment to, add your comment and hit Accept.
Did you know there is a way for you to see what you have in your PST Print Queue? Go to Utilities > Edit Print Queue. In this window you can see every Affidavit, Invoice, and Field Sheet that you have sent to the Print Queue and have not been printed yet. If you want to make sure you don’t print duplicates, you can select those and hit delete, then print everything. You can also see what’s been printed in the past, and the entire print queue, which shows what other people have put in their print queue.
Want the links in your job done email to be clear to the Client? The link to attachments in a job done email is named after the description of the attachment. So, if you have a photo attached to a job and the photo file is names 123.jpg, but you have put a description of "Front door of residence where served", the link will be named "Front door of residence where served." So make your descriptions helpful! Also, please note – if you don’t have a description with an attachment, there will be no link in the email.